Wednesday 12 March 2014

Beef Stew with Lapsang Souchong Star

I would like to start out by saying that I have never made a stew before, but this turned out amazing. My point? Anyone can do it! (So long as you don't mind the gigantic mess that results)

This is a large crock pot (slow cooker) recipe

Crock pot with the beef stock

What you will need:

  • 4 Perfect Spoonfuls of DavidsTea's Lapsang Souchong Star tea
  • 900 ml (one "box") of beef stock 
  • 8 cups water
  • One pound baby red potatoes
  • One can wax green beans 
  • Small white onion - pureed
  • At least two pounds of stewing beef, cubed (I used four)
  • One large crock pot 
  • Seasonings of your choice 
  • 2 tblsp cooking oil 
  • 1 cup + 3/4 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup butter/margarine

  1. Add the beef stock and 4 cups of water to the crock pot. 
  2. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil and steep the Lapsang Souchong Star tea in it. Double the time (10 minutes!)
  3.  Bring a pan to medium heat and add the oil.
  4. Cover meat in lightly seasoned flour (1 cup)
  5. Sear the beef through
  6. Cut baby potatoes in to bite sized pieces.
  7. In a new pan,  melt the butter/margarine then add flour to make a roux
  8. Mix roux with the stock in the pot until blended
  9. Throw EVERTHING but the beans in to the pot!
  10. Season
  11. Eight-ish hours before you want to eat, turn the pot on low and go about your business (I throw it in before I leave for work and it's ready for dinner)
  12. Add the beans half an hour before you want to eat
  13. ENJOY! 
 I hope I haven't left anything out. 
The great thing about stew is that you can tweak it as often and liberally as you so please.

This makes enough for a good eight servings. And it still doesn't last longer than two days between Chris and I.

Happy stewing!


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